Pat Kapowich: The Ultimate Silicon Valley Real Estate Agent

Inheritance Disputes Unveiled: Legal Complexities of Inherited Homes

real estate attorney real estate attorney advice Mar 03, 2024

"Dive into the Battlefield of Inheritance: Navigating Home Ownership Disputes with Expertise šŸ”šŸ’„

Join the fray as Silicon Valley's own legal champion, Shawn Parr from Parr Law Group, unravels the complex web of inheritance battles over homes.

šŸ” Are you standing at the crossroads of buying, selling, or inheriting property? Or maybe you're captivated by the twists and turns of estate law? Either way, this discussion is your golden ticket to understanding the heart of real estate wars.

Don't miss out—this is the insight you've been waiting for. Tune in now for a masterclass in navigating the murky waters of property inheritance conflicts!"


Special Guest: 

Shawn Parr
Parr Law Group

View the Full Conversation from the ‘Kapowich on Real Estate’ vault Episode #205 with Real Estate Attorney Shawn Parr provides behind-the-scenes insights into distressed properties: